Missiomme on parantaa ihmisten hyvinvointia ja elämänlaatua kehittämällä ekologisesti kestäviä ja turvallisia ratkaisuja siivoukseen.
Haluamme auttaa asiakkaitamme luomaan puhtaita ja turvallisia tiloja, joissa ihmisen on hyvä elää ja työskennellä ja joissa ympäristöä arvostetaan.
We want to improve the valuation of the cleaning industry and emphasize its importance. Cleaners do valuable work every day for wellbeing and safe everyday life. The value of a cleaning is usually only noticed when it is not working. We believe the best way of showing our valuation is to enable success and safety in a cleaner’s work.
Without cleanliness, there is no wellbeing, and without cleaners, there is no cleanliness. Our passion is to make clean without chemicals and achieve sustainable wellbeing for people and the environment. We work for it that no one will have to be exposed to harmful chemicals without them knowing.
An ecologically sustainable future is built with actions, not talk. A sustainable future is something that does not just happen but needs to be made. Replacing cleaning chemicals with a chemical-free option is one concrete, effortless environmental action. Each one of us is required to make a future.
Every industry needs to recreate itself. We are making a change in the cleaning industry. Developers of innovative methods are required, that is us. And, implementers of innovative technologies are wanted, our clients. Together we can be an example and achieve change.
Olemme kompensoineet Ownwell-menetelmän hiilipäästöt tukemalla uusien hiilinielujen luomista Suomeen.
We offer cleaning professionals training for cleaning using microbes. We are playfully calling professionals we train Microbial whisperers™. Microbial whisperers understand the meaning of cleanliness deeper than on the surface you can see, that is, on the microbial level. They have the skill to change the world, one cleaning at a time, and leave a clean mark also for future generations.
Topics of the training:
What does a cleaning professional
have to understand about microbes? -
What is chemical-free cleaning,
and how does it work? -
How do microbes affect our wellbeing?